`Don't grieve Admiral.´ - Leonard Nimoy's journey came to an end

Today, February 27th, we experience another sad day - Leonard Nimoy, best know for his role as Spock in many Star Trek movies and the television series, died at age 83 from the sequelae of COPD 1.

Just a few days earlier, on February 19th, Nimoy was hospitalized with heavy chest pains. Get-well wishes from this fans, collegues and stars were numerous. Already the last months Leonard Nimoy was repeatedly taken to Hospital because of his severe lung disease.

Only 8 days later all wishes came to nothing, Leonard Nimoy died at home in his house in Bel Air due to the squelae of COPD, which he made public in 2013.

Leonard Nimoy, being actor, director, producer, poet and writer, musician, photographer and author by profession, leaves a void in the hearts of his fans and collegues which never again can be filled. He was intelligent, creative and remarkably and naturally gifted.

My condolence and whole-hearted sympathy belong to his family, friends and relatives.

Leonard Nimoy is following Robin Williams, Fritz Sdunek and many other esteemed stars.

You will be missed and never forgotten - rest in piece.

[...] The miracle is this / The more we share ... / The more / We have

(Leonard Nimoy - from the poem 'You and I have Learned')

Published by

Pierre Böckmann

Born 1985 in Berlin, I am Software Developer, Blogger, Author, Open Source Enthusiast, openSUSE member and passionate openSUSE Leap user.