I ain't a poet and this might not be in any way worthwhile to those who can't read german, but this isn't what it's supposed to be for anyone anyway. It's in some selfish manner only for me, because the person I am addressing will never be ably to read it.
Nonetheless, dad, as I am not able to simlpy call you to say happy birthday to you, you still would have turned 69 years today if we had not lost you to this deamon named cancer so many years ago.
So this is for you, as we still cherish everything you gave to us and miss you so deeply.
Happy Birthday.
In einer kalten, klaren Winternacht
Bin ich aus tiefem Schlaf erwacht;
In vollkomm‘ner, reiner, stiller Brise
vernehme ich Deiner Stimme Klang.
Im Laufen auf den blanken Fliesen
Hör' ich Deine 'trauten Schritte hall'n
Und seh‘ im Spiegel am End‘ des Gangs
Deine Silhouette, verschwomm‘ne Schatten.
Am Himmel steht Dein heller Stern, funkelt,
flackert, scheint und ist doch nur Dein Echo,
Licht, vergang'ner Tage blasser Schimmer.
Ich vermisse dich – für immer.
Du fehlst.
In Memory of
Dipl. Ing. Dieter Böckmann
Planet Earth, 21.01.2018