Today the KDE team released a new version of it's desktop environment Plasma. It has now reached version 5.5 with a few nice new features.
New features in Plasma 5.5
For me the most important and most visible new feature is the update of Plasma's theme Breeze. This overhaul does not only mean that existing icons have been updated and improved and a few new icons have been added, but Breeze has been released for the GTK+2 and GTK+3 toolkits as well. This way GTK-based applications are now looking the same as their Qt counterparts and integrate well into the KDE Plasma desktop.
Moreover all application menus now share a backend and the same extended features like listing recently opened documents, directories and system actions in the favorites, editing application menus and much more.
We have new widgets in the Plasma Addons like a Color Picker, a User Switcher and integration of legacy icons into the system tray so that icons like those from Pidgin which are not yet using StatusNotifier are displayed correctly and as expected.
These are only the highlights which I think are sticking out. For more information check out the official announcement.
Highlights video from KDE for Plasma 5.5.0
Further reading
- Official announcement on Plasma 5.5.0 / (EN)