KDE Plasma 5.6 released

Today a new version of the Plasma desktop environment has been released. It comes with a lot of nice improvements.

A short summary of almost all of them:

  • task manager
    • showing task progress (copy, download etc.)
    • media controls in tooltip
    • jump lists (e.g. for Firefox Private Windows, for Steam etc.)
  • KRunner
    • smoother look
  • widgets
    • drag and drop for panel folder view
    • weather widget returned
  • activities
  • Wayland support
    • window decorations are now supported for Wayland clients giving you a beautiful and unified user experience
    • input handling gained all features you've come to know and love from the X11 world, including 'Focus follows mouse', Alt + mouse button to move and resize windows, etc
    • different keyboard layouts and layout switching
  • refined look and feel

KDE's release video showcasing the new features:

Further reading

Published by

Pierre Böckmann

Born 1985 in Berlin, I am Software Developer, Blogger, Author, Open Source Enthusiast, openSUSE member and passionate openSUSE Leap user.